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[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Verified Data uses a unique Hybrid approach. The result of this combines the benefits of searching for content on your website (the spider), with forensic checks of the data within yout Google Analytics account (the project).


Every audit has a spider and its size (the index) determines how much work has to be done and the volume of data to be tested and stored. Note, not every spidered URL is audited – that would be wasteful. Instead we take a random sample and conduct a deep-dive audit on those. The sample size is determined by the system and is constantly self-tuned.

Building your spider index is the foundation of your data quality audits. Therefore it is important that time in spent during its setup phase to ensure you have a compact and optimised spider index. That is, one that gives you a broad spread of directory and/or subdomain coverage, but ignore pages such as /products?id=123&white and /products?id=123&blue as these are usually pages with  identical tracking conditions.

URLs are shared across multiple projects and you can purchase more as Addons that never expire i.e. if not used they roll-over to the next  billing period.


A project contains all the setup and configuration information for running an audit. Such as the specific Google Analytics View you wish to audit, its look-back window (how far back in the data to look), weightings to apply (how important each section is), the level of data noise to ignore etc.

You can think of a project as the website you wish to audit, but it is also possible to run multiple projects for the same website. For example, a large organisation with autonomous sections of its site managed and controlled by different departments (e.g. universities, government sites), where separate audits with different settings are required.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]